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Name of Form: Certificate of community corporation – Change of community corporation name and/or address for service
Type of Form: Evidence
When it’s used: When amending the registered Scheme notice for a community titles scheme to alter the name of the community corporation and/or an address for service including an electronic address for service, if relevant
Details of entries:
- Scheme number: Enter the number shown on the scheme plan for the community titles scheme, so if the plan says scheme plan 12345 then the scheme number is 12345.
- Community corporation: Enter the current registered name of the community corporation. The name of the community corporation includes the scheme number, e.g. Tranquil Waters 12345.
- Select appropriate option(s).
- Change of community corporation name:
- Insert the date that the special resolution was made.
- Insert the current registered name of the community corporation.
- Insert the new name of the community corporation to be registered. This can be any name which clearly identifies the community corporation and it must include the scheme number. The Registrar of Titles must not register a Scheme notice if satisfied that the name of the community corporation is undesirable or does not comply with a naming convention set out in the regulations.
- Change of address for service:
- Insert the date that the ordinary resolution was made.
- Insert the current address for service of the community corporation.
- Insert the new address for service of the community corporation. The address for service must be an address of a place within Australia.
- Change of electronic address for service:
- Insert the date that the ordinary resolution was made.
- Insert the current registered electronic address for service of the community corporation if applicable. State “N/A” if inapplicable.
- Insert the new electronic address for service of the community corporation or state “N/A” if electronic address is being removed.
- Change of community corporation name:
- Execution: Insert the date of execution. The Certificate is to be executed by the community corporation.