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CIB 386: Amendment of Strata Titles and Community Titles forms

To improve the quality of our products, amendments have been made to the following Strata Titles Act 1985 (STA) and Community Titles Act 2018 (CTA) forms.

These forms are available on both the Strata Titles forms page and on the Community Titles forms page on the Landgate website.

Schedule of new and amended forms

Please view the schedule of new and amended Strata Titles and Community Titles forms, that includes:

Updated versions of existing approved Strata Titles and Community Titles forms

Updated versions of the forms have been given a new version number although the formal approval number remains the same.

The amendments are mainly focused on improving the strata company execution clauses, minor formatting changes and improvement of some footnotes to assist customers with completing the forms correctly.

Updated version forms that have been executed prior to 15 June 2022 will continue to be accepted for registration.

New approved Strata Titles and Community Titles forms

New approved forms contain substantial amendments and have been given a new formal approval number.

The superseded forms will cease to be effective from 15 June 2023.

As old forms may not be acceptable for registration, you are encouraged to use the new forms from the Landgate website.

Bruce Roberts

Registrar of Titles