The State Government has proposed a new, enhanced model for strata management education qualifications in Western Australia.
After extensive industry consultation over many years and two public consultation opportunities - in 2022 and 2024 - the new model proposes to elevate professional knowledge and experience in WA’s strata management industry.
The improvement in standards is expected to provide substantial benefits to strata owners and tenants across the state once implemented.
The new model sets out a minimum qualification of a full Certificate IV in Strata Community Management and mandates experience requirements for all people working in a professional strata manager role, alongside other changes.
Strata managers will have a transitional period from the commencement of the new regulations (anticipated in 2025) to meet the new requirements
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WA’s newly proposed educational model for strata managers aims to:
- Broaden educational qualifications and introduce experience requirements for professional strata managers.
- Establish new career pathways and redefine certain roles and responsibilities to better align with industry needs.
- Enhance strata management service delivery to WA strata owners and tenants.
- Address the effects of national changes to the Certificate IV in Strata Community Management on Western Australia’s industry.
Landgate has been in close consultation with WA’s strata management industry since early 2022 to shape these amendments and create a better-fit educational model.
We are particularly appreciative of the considerable and ongoing contributions made by both the Strata Community Association of WA (SCA (WA)) and REIWA.
“Strata Community Association WA (SCA (WA)) proudly supports Landgate in the upcoming regulation amendments to the strata manager educational model and increasing the professionalism of the strata industry. We appreciate the opportunity to assist in shaping these amendments, and the positive outcome from collaborative industry consultation”.
- Strata Community Association WA (SCA (WA)).
“REIWA believes it is essential that industry opinion is sought when changes affecting industry are under review. We have been actively involved in the consultation process for the regulation amendments to the strata education model and strongly support the changes. The education requirements have been tailored to industry practice and provide clear direction for industry in terms of training requirements”.

To implement the new model, WA’s strata titles regulations have been amended and a consultation draft of that amended legislation – the Lands Regulations (Community and Strata Titles) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2024 - was available for feedback from 18 November to 9 December 2024 on Landgate’s website.
A Consultation Guide summarised the proposed amendments and transitional arrangements.
The November/December 2024 consultation period has now closed.
Landgate will provide further information on the expected implementation of these new regulations in 2025.