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CIB 351: Lodgement of Plans or New Title applications

Landgate continues to work hard to meet the increased demand for plan lodgements and new title applications arising from the State and Federal Government stimulus packages.

We are on track to ensure applications for titles lodged on or before 30 November 2020 are completed by 31 December 2020 (subject to a plan or application not requiring requisition for further information), consistent with customer information bulletin 344. While Landgate continues to process plans and applications received since then, we wish to remind industry that any plan or new title application yet to be lodged may not be completed by 31 December 2020.

With increased plan lodgements expected to continue throughout January and February 2021, Landgate will continue to work collaboratively with industry and government to ensure turnaround times are as fast as possible.

For assistance, please contact Customer Service or call (08) 9273 7373.

Bruce Roberts
Registrar of Titles
