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CIB 348: Exemption to Registrar and Commissioner’s VOI Requirements – Paper Transactions

An exemption has been granted to the officers of the Land Use Management Division (LUM) within the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, to the requirements of the Verification of Identity Policy (VOI-1 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority Paper Based Transactions).

This exemption applies to documents lodged from 1 November 2020 for all transfers of freehold land or interests in freehold land executed by the LUM officers on behalf of the State of Western Australia or the Minister for Lands. The general exemption from VOI for Crown land transactions under the Land Administration Act 1997 continues to apply.

Until further notice, noting the exemption for officers of the LUM, the current VOI practice continues to apply unchanged.

Consideration to extend the exemption to other State and Local Government Entities

The Registrar and Commissioner of Titles are considering approving an exemption from the VOI policy for officers of State and local government entities acting on behalf of said entity.

The rationale for considering this change is as follows:

  • streamlining government activities and reducing the cost of compliance to support the COVID-19 pandemic recovery
  • employees of State and Local government entities are, under their employment contracts and codes of conduct, legally required to act honestly
  • employees executing on behalf of State or local government entities can be independently verified, if necessary.

Landgate welcomes submissions from interested parties on the proposed extended exemptions. Submissions and questions should be emailed to Richard Gell, Manager Land Titles Assurance by Friday 27 November 2020.

Bruce Roberts                         Susan Dukes

Registrar of Titles                     Commissioner of Titles