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CIB 276: Mortgage and Transfer update: Revised forms and changes to form approvals

Landgate’s current suite of approved land registry forms are being rationalised in the interests of making land transactions as simple and efficient as possible.

Updated Mortgage and Transfer forms

Updated versions of the standard Mortgage (M1) and Transfer of Land (T1 and T2) forms are available on the land titling forms page of Landgate's Website.

These forms have had the ‘Limitations, Interests, Encumbrance and Notifications’ panel removed, with the operative clause updated accordingly. There continues to be no Verification of identity (VOI) Statement incorporated into the M1, T1 and T2 forms.

Cessation of use for out of date M1, T1 and T2 forms

To assist our customers in their transition to the updated M1, T1 and T2 forms, existing approved forms will continue to be accepted for lodgement to the end of July 2016.

From 1 August 2016, all Mortgage and Transfer of Land forms which contain the ‘Limitations, Interests, Encumbrance and Notifications’ panel will no longer be accepted for lodgement by Landgate. Forms containing an execution date that is prior to 1 August 2016 will be considered for lodgement on a case by case basis.

Changes to form approvals for Mortgage and Transfer forms

In the interests of rationalisation of forms, personalised Mortgage and Transfer of Land forms that mirror one of Landgate’s standard approved forms and only seek to pre-populate information such as lodging party details, no longer require form approval.

Further to this, separate form approval requests made to the Registrar will only be granted in exceptional circumstances such as where an existing form is proven to be insufficient to facilitate the necessary land transaction.

From 1 August 2016, all M1, T1 and T2 form approvals that have been granted will be rescinded. This will mean that Mortgage and Transfer of Land form approval numbers issued to individual clients will no longer be valid, and customers will need to refer to the standard form numbers. For further information, please contact Landgate’s Customer Service team on +61 (0)8 9273 7373 or email.

Jean Villani
